Express & Star

Ghostly goings on at Wolverhampton venue - WATCH

It looks like something out of a horror film, but this is the interior ofa well-known pub which is soon to welcome a vicar to rid it of its ghostly spirits.

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New owners of the former Little Civic in Wolverhampton city centre have described how staff have witnessed ghostly goings on in the cellar and tunnels under the property.

Now, they are looking to get a vicar in to expel the ghosts so that further transformation of the venue can continue.

The venue is currently being transformed by the owners of the neighbouring Dog and Doublet who use the same underground stores.

WATCH: Explore the spooky cellar below this Wolverhampton pub

Jack Webb, bar manager said: "I've been here for a couple of years now and so many members of staff have reported the same things happening.

"Myself, I was on a ladder down there and I heard someone call out 'Mama!'. It was such a weird moment because I definitely heard it. And yet no one was there."

Sean Westwood said: "We've had a lot of builders in recently and whenever they go down there they say they feel a chill and a pressure on their chests in one of the very back rooms, the glass store.

"People say there's the spirit of a young woman, a little girl and an angry middle-age man down there.

"The cellar has a filled-in tunnel that used to go right under the city that I don't know the history of.

"We've had to chain the barrels and gas cannisters up down there because they always get moved around."

Jack Webb in the haunted cellars in the building next to the Dog and Doublet in Wolverhampton

When our reporters visited the cellar, the propped-open door closed behind us unexpectedly and there was a loud unexplained bang, despite no one else being at work at the site at the time.

Sean said: "I think this type of thing comes with the territory with such an old building. We would like to find out more about its history, especially as we're looking to knock part of the cellar through to become part of the new venue.

"We don't want to disrupt anything that is down there. We just want to free it from whatever is going on, because bad vibes often lead to bad things. Hopefully, it won't lead to any bad business!"