Express & Star

Residents object to Bradmore homes plan

Plans to build 29 homes on suburban derelict land could bring surrounding roads to a "complete standstill", according to concerned residents.

Last updated

Wolverhampton council has so far had eight objections to the proposals to build the properties on land off Church Road, Bradmore, Wolverhampton.

The site next to Bradmore Recreation Ground was previously a garden centre but has been vacant since May 2011.

An application for planning permission was submitted to the council by Bantock Homes Ltd in April but a decision has not yet been made.

Several residents objecting to the scheme state concerns over traffic on surrounding roads.

In her letter, Hazel Lawrence-Palmer, said: "We have just had a new build on Birches Barn Road so there is already new housing available in the area. This in itself caused a large amount of disruption to the area.

"There are currently road works on the same road due to last eight weeks, and then there are plans for more along St Philips Avenue. Any more disruption and the area will come to a complete standstill.

"I object in the strongest manner possible. There are other areas of Wolverhampton that would most probably benefit from this kind of housing plan. However, Bradmore is not one of them."

Alan Skinner also has concerns about traffic in the area as well as the number of parking spaces, of which there would be 30.

He said: "It would appear that not enough consideration has been given to the level of parking required for the proposed new plots and the amount of additional traffic these plots would create.

"The area already experiences multiple issues with surplus traffic and to create an estate of 29 houses, the majority of which would undoubtedly bring additional vehicles, would not only further the parking issues locally but create an additional flow of traffic on already narrow and busy roads."

Documents submitted to the council in support of the application state Church Road is "relatively quiet."

The scheme would consist of one four-bedroom house, two three-bedroom semi-detached houses, 14 three-bedroom semi-detached houses, six two-bedroom detached homes and six three-bedroom townhouses.

Another resident with objections to the plan, Michael Cope, argues in his submission that the land is used as a park.

He said: "The land that is proposed to be built on is used as park area for pet owners and families. Yes, Bantock Park is not far away, but why remove another area of greenery, especially as there is brown field land readily available?"

Others objecting to the proposals claim badgers are living on the land.

Carole Gee, said: "We have contacted the Badger Society for advice. These beautiful creatures are being culled elsewhere, do we not have a moral obligation to protect them here?

"They have been there for many years and should not be re sited."