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Willenhall school which has 'begun to make positive changes' finds out latest Ofsted rating

Willenhall E-ACT Academy has retained its 'requires improvement' rating despite a positive review from Ofsted inspectors.

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Willenhall E-Act Academy

In a monitoring inspection, held on June 6, inspectors said that Willenhall E-ACT Academy has 'begun to make positive changes' to the school despite its 'required improvement' rating.

The purpose of the latest inspection was to 'identify and report on the school's progress' following its last full inspection in December 2022, where it was handed the lowest rating.

Tim Marston, headteacher at Willenhall E-ACT Academy

Since the last Ofsted rating, the academy changed heads, now being led by headteacher Tim Marston, who pushed the school in a new direction aimed at providing a better service for pupils.

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