Express & Star

Fuming firefighters have to remind residents not to have balcony barbeques

Firefighters were not impressed when they were called out to a barbeque on a first floor balcony.

The balcony bar-be-que

The Willenhall resident had put their barbecue on flammable felt which risked igniting a blaze which could have set the entire building on fire.

Willenhall Fire Station posted pictures of the incident above a shop in Upper Lichfield Street.

Firefighters were not impressed by the balcony bar-be-que

Willenhall Fire Station tweeted: "Red Watch attended this incident with colleagues from @WMFSBilston, incident was a bbq on a first floor window sill covered in felt. Please be careful with bbq’s and ensure they’re sat on a non flammable surface in open air away from any buildings."

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