Express & Star

Walsall family sick of raw sewage flooding garden every time it rains

A family are sick of the 'vile smell' left by sewage flooding into their garden every time it rains.

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The family's garden is often left flooded while those nearby are unscathed

Emma Merrett lives in a two-story house in Willenhall with her partner and two children.

For the last 10 years, every time there is heavy rain, the drains in the garden overflow, bringing raw sewage up and into the garden.

Severn Trent's clean-up team has been out numerous times

Emma says the issue has been ongoing for around 10 years, and Severn Trent has visited the home multiple times.

She says the clean-up team has come out to the house at least five times a year, but nothing is ever done to fix the issue.

In pictures taken by the family, the damage caused can easily be seen, which the family describe as both disheartening and a health and hygiene risk.

Emma said: "The issue has been going on for 10 years or so now and we need something to be done about it.

"Every time we get heavy rainfall garden is flooded and all sorts is left.

"Because it is happening after rainfall, it must be getting into the pipes somewhere and causing the flood.

"Next doors garden is pure green, while ours is disgusting.

Emma has two young children, so when the issue arises, she often has to clean it herself.

She added: "The smell is absolutely vile, we can't have the windows open when it happens.

"We had a path put down, and the flow of water has lifted it up.

"So, until it is sorted, we can’t do anything with our garden.

"The back of a door leads on steps to the garden and under the decking.

"So when it happens, it is going under the decking, and that makes it smell worse."

Severn Trent is aware of the issue, and says contact with the family is ongoing.

A statement said: "We are aware of the issues relating to the property and our teams are in contact with the householder.

"We understand how distressing these kinds of flooding incidents can be and working to find a solution to what is a complex issue."