New bar and restaurant on the way as Aldridge pub gets expansion go-ahead
More than a dozen new jobs will be created after an Aldridge pub was given the go-ahead to expand its business.

The Lazy Hill, in Walsall Wood Road, will undergo an extension to enhance its facilities including creating a new bar, restaurant seating area and kitchen.
Members of Walsall Council’s planning committee said the owner Dalwinder Singh should be “commended” for investing and creating new jobs in the current climate.
Planning officers recommended approval but said there were 12 objections from neighbours to the proposals including fears of anti-social incidents, noise and impact on other businesses.
They concluded most of the objections were not material planning considerations while there was no evidence to support fear of crime and police had raised no objections.
A report to committee said: “The Lazy Hill Public House is a long-established business and already permitted lawful use within the Lazy Hill local centre.
“The proposed increase in additional floor space of the existing public house to include is considered to be an appropriate scale and has been considered against local and national policy.
“Local centres are a focal point for many aspects of community life and the retention and investment in the Lazy Hill Public House is considered would be a positive enhancement for the local centre’s vitality and viability.
“There are no objections from significant consultees and the community interest that has been expressed is considered to not outweigh the recommendation to approve.
“The use of safeguarding conditions will further ensure that the neighbours’ amenity is protected.
“The economic and social benefits in this instance are considered would not have an unacceptable impact on the environment.”
Committee chairman Mike Bird said: “We have an established business here looking to expand.
“Anybody who is investing into an existing business, especially in hospitality should be commended. If you’re creating jobs then well done to you.”