Apartments plan for pub approved
A derelict vandal-hit pub building in Aldridge is to be converted into new apartments after planners gave the thumbs up to a scheme.
Members of Walsall Council’s planning committee unanimously approved a proposal to tear down The Bowman in Myatt Avenue and replaced it with a block of flats.
Developer SEP Properties said the pub closed in 2019 and has now become a magnet for fly-tipping and vandalism and is in a poor condition.
They also believe it is no longer viable to run the venue as a pub business, especially since the coronavirus pandemic started, hitting the industry significantly.
Several letters of objection had been submitted to the council, raising concerns about the loss of the public amenity as well as issues including loss of privacy, lack of parking and highway safety.
In the report to committee, officers said: “The applicant has advised that the site is currently disused having become unviable as a drinking establishment.
“It is notable that the application was submitted in September 2019, well before the onset of the worldwide coronavirus pandemic which has had a devastating effect on the hospitality industry.
“Whilst public houses undoubtedly provide important community meeting points there has been a wider trend of the loss of such businesses across the country for some years as social habits have changed for many people.
“In the current circumstances it is considered unlikely that a buyer or tenant would come forward to resurrect the public house as a going concern.
“Balanced against the need to provide adequate housing for the needs of the district, the loss of the public house is considered acceptable in this instance.
“The proposal is not considered to result in any adverse impact on residential amenity or community and highway safety.”