Six-bedroom house in upmarket area of Walsall will be allowed after applicant claims plans were misrepresented
Plans to build a six-bedroom house in an upmarket area of Walsall have been approved after the applicant claimed his previous plans were misreprensented.
Walsall Council's planning department has approved Aneet Khambay's plans do demolish an existing three-bedroom house in Belvidere Road, Highgate, and replace it with a larger property.
The decision comes despite a 33-signature petition objecting to the proposals, and against the recommendation of head of planning Helen Smith.
Last year Mrs Smith said a similar previous application had been rejected by the council, and revisions to the scheme failed to sufficiently address the concerns raised.
But the application was 'called in' before the planning committee by Councillor Saiqa Nasreen, and was finally granted permission this year.
Miss Khambay said a planning officer had previously 'misrepresented' the plans, saying they were no taller than the existing house.
However, Mrs Smith said the bulk of the proposed property was still significantly greater than that of the existing house.
The committee was told that one of the previous reasons for the scheme being rejected was the 5ft boundary wall, topped off by 12in railings, amid concerns that it obstructed visibility for drivers and pedestrians.
This was now revised, so that there would now be 3ft metal railings on top of a 3ft wall.
Councillors were told that neighbours had said the proposed building was out of character with the neighbourhood and the nearby Highgate conservation area, and that the three-car garage block would affect visibility around the corner.
The committee voted to approve the plans, which were finally given the go-ahead on Tuesday this week.