Express & Star

Black Country corgis give a paw of approval to stunning dog statues unveiled at Walsall Aboretum in memory of Queen Elizabeth II

A touching tribute to the late Queen and her favourite dogs has been unveiled at Walsall's place of natural beauty.


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The Walsall Arboretum was the setting on Saturday for the unveiling of two Corgi statues, which were commissioned by Walsall Council to commemorate Queen Elizabeth II and feature two corgis, a breed beloved by the late Queen.

The Vice Lord-Lieutenant of the West Midlands Louise Bennett joined a large crowd of local dignitaries and invited guests to unveil the statues, which Council leader Councillor Garry Perry said were a real milestone for the Council.

He said: "We've been planning this every since the death of the late Queen and we wanted to have a fitting tribute to her life and her service to the country and this is what came from that.

Louise Bennett speaks at the event to invited guests

"She was very much a lover of her royal dogs and we felt that that lends itself well to our green spaces, particularly at the Arboretum."

There were also plenty of Corgi's at the unveiling, with Councillor Perry saying he loved Corgi's as well, having own five across his life, and said the public response had been great around the statues being put in a place of beauty.

There were plenty of Corgi's at the event

He said: "It's good to have these statues in an historic UNESCO site park and what we're intending to do is do a name the Corgi's competition to name these statues.

"Additionally, subject to public support, we want to have more of these statues out on green spaces across Walsall and have a bit of trail.

Louise Bennett and invited guests enjoy the unveiling of the two statues

"If that is what the community ask for, then we work to provide that for them."

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