Express & Star

Mystery donor gives £10,000 towards Walsall canal clean-up following toxic spillage – prompting fundraising target to increase

A fundraiser to help clean up and sustain wildlife in a stretch of toxic canal has increased its target to £20,000 after reaching its initial goal – with one anonymous donor giving £10,000.

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The fundraiser, started by the Canal and River Trust (CRT), was started after more than 4,000 litres of toxic chemicals were spilt into the Walsall Canal system last week.

Metal finishing group, Anochrome Ltd, of Reservoir Place, Walsall, admitted responsibility for the spill, with an investigation into the incident ongoing.

Now, a public crowdfunder, launched by the CRT, reached its original £10,000 goal in only a matter of days, now raising its target to £20,000 to help protect the remaining wildlife near the canal system.

More than 200 supporters

A fundraiser to help sustain wildlife following has reached it's £10,000 goal in only a matter of days

More than 200 supporters have donated to the fundraiser, each giving as much as they possibly can to help fund the recovery of wildlife in the area.

The fundraiser was started on Friday, August 16, with a donation by Maggie Gardner of £10.

However, since then, the fundraiser has gone on to gain pledges from more than 260 people, raising over £16,281 of its new £20k target.

One charitable donor, who remained anonymous on the website, even donated £10,000, instantly pushing the fundraiser to its original goal.

'Please help save the wildlife'

Environmental leads have made a public plea for money to help save the wildlife near Walsall Canal

Many who donated have chosen to leave comments on the fundraiser website, calling for other environmentally-minded residents to get involved with the campaign.

Christine Wilkinson, a commenter on the website, said: "Please help the wildlife to recover from this awful disaster. We need our beautiful canals, rivers etc for our mental health and wellbeing.

"I also think the company who is responsible for the spill should be forced, they should donate without even being asked, to contribute financially to the recovery!"

Another user, Rita Baker, said: "Our canals are one of our nation's greatest assets and must be preserved and maintained for the pleasure of all of us, as well as our wildlife."

Maggie Savidge, another user who doesn't live local to the canal system, said: "Whilst this particular stretch of canal isn't local to me, I can appreciate the devastation to wildlife that the spill will result in.

"Willingly donated and shared. Happy to support CRT when I'm able."

For more information on the fundraiser, and for ways to donate, please visit the Crowdfunder website.

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