Express & Star

Police highlight work done to respond to rumours of civic unrest in Walsall

The region's police force has spoken on the preparations put in place amid rumours of protests in Walsall.

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West Midlands Police said that it had planned for any incidents that might have occurred in Walsall town centre around protests on Saturday, with special powers being put in place for stop and search without reasonable grounds.

As well as the putting in place of section 60 powers, the force also introduced a dispersal order in Palfrey and Walsall town centre, as well as a meeting at Bloxwich Police station for community representatives to observe the operations in place.

A spokesman for West Midlands Police said: "We wanted to let you know that there no protests were held in Walsall today (Saturday 10 August).

"We had plans in place ready to respond to any incident following online rumours that people were planning on protesting in the town centre.

"As part of our preparations, we implemented special powers to stop and search people without reasonable grounds.

"We also introduced a dispersal order which allowed us to tell people to leave any area in Palfrey and the town centre.

"To make sure we were using our powers fairly, we invited community representatives to observe the operation.

"The group met at Bloxwich police station and took part in an officer briefing, before being taken into the town centre to watch our officers in action and to talk to local people and businesses to hear how the online rumours had worried them.

"Since the protests started, we’ve adapted how we work to provide an additional reassurance.

"Large numbers of officers have been on patrol and standby.

"We’ve been encouraging people to tell us about the rumours they’ve been hearing and sharing advice with businesses who we know have been concerned about national protests."

Officers and community representatives met up at Bloxwich Police Station to discuss the possible events of the day. Photo: West Midlands Police

Chief Superintendent Phil Dolby, responsible for policing across the whole of Walsall borough, said: “Today we had a well-rehearsed plan in place ready to respond to any protests. That plan was developed in conjunction with the council and other partners.

“The West Midlands has not experienced the same level of disruption that other parts of the country have witnessed.

"That said, we are not complacent. We remain ready to respond to any incident.

“People have the right to protest peacefully but I know that people have been worried by what they have seen in the news and online.

“As part of our plans for today, we invited different community representatives to act as observers.

"They were given access to a briefing and then chaperoned officers as they spoke to shoppers, businesses and others.

"I’d like to thank them for giving up their time to learn more about our work, but also to share their community’s view on what’s been happening across the UK.”

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