Express & Star

Bloxwich landlords invited to bid for construction programme grants and help

Landlords in Bloxwich are being offered grants and assistance through the Construction Skills Through Regeneration programme in the town.

Councillor Adrian Andrew

Walsall Council is inviting proposals from landowners, developers and registered social landlords with land in Bloxwich to apply.

The funding aims to boost the delivery of new housing by giving grants to landowners with sites suitable for development within the Bloxwich Town Deal area.

Walsall Council has funding of up to £2million available to be distributed to successful applicants. Suitable proposals include existing derelict sites, the re-purposing of garage sites, the expansion of existing part developed sites and adapting existing housing blocks to create new or additional homes.

Councillor Adrian Andrew, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Regeneration at Walsall Council, said: “This is a great opportunity for landowners and I hope to see lots of applications for funding. Derelict sites and disused pieces of land can be unsightly and this fund will help landowners and developers to maximise opportunities to create much needed housing in Bloxwich.”

Funded through the Government’s Town Deal programme, aims to increase the availability of affordable housing and support the local economy by linking into local purchasing, training and employment initiatives.

Funding can be applied for via the council’s online portal Applicants will be able to view and complete Expressions of Interest for their proposals and successful applicants will then be supported to progress these applications. The deadline for expressions of interest is Monday, April 15.

The overall Construction Skills programme outcome targets are to deliver 51 new housing units, 205 Improved/refurbished residential units, 41 additional green retrofits to existing homes, support 75 learners and 31 apprenticeships.