Police hail success of dedicated officers in Walsall schools after figures show significant drop in crime
Crime in Walsall schools has dropped by ten-per-cent in the last year, new figures released by West Midlands Police show.

The force introduced dedicated Schools Intervention and Prevention Officers (SIPS) 12 months ago to work across the 23 secondary schools in Walsall.
There are currently four SIPS in post with the Walsall Local Policing Area (LPA) and all secondary schools have a named police officer who works with teachers, parents and pupils to prevent problems.
The officers become known to pupils, gaining their trust so that they feel confident to share information about things they see and hear or things which are happening to them or people close to them.
For children who are at risk of becoming involved in crime or antisocial behaviour, the officers can put them and their parents in touch with organisations who can help get them back on track.
The figures show that as well as crime dropping by ten-per-cent, the crime harm index in which crimes are weighted based on how much "harm they cause."
Between October 1 2021 and Sep 30 2022, the crime harm index was 82,674. This dropped by 33-per-cent to 55,270 between October 1 2022 and September 30 2023.
Inspector Janine Fagan, Partnerships Manager at Walsall LPA, said: “The data we have analysed shows what a great impact the SIPS officers are having in Walsall schools since they were introduced. We have received a lot of good feedback from schools and our partners and the statistics reinforce this.”
The school intervention and prevention officers are in addition to the officers and PCSOs of the local neighbourhood policing team who often do talks on issues such as personal safety.
Parents or carers who have a concern they would like to to talk to a school intervention and prevention officer about, can contact the school to arrange a call.
Alternatively, you can contact the Walsall Partnerships Team via Live Chat on the West Midlands Police website or by calling 101.