Express & Star

Before and after: New lease of life for Black Country woman after losing five stone and dropping five dress sizes

A Black Country woman has spoken about the new lease of life she has got after losing five stone and dropping five dress sizes.

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Sharon has now lost more than five stone since making the change

Sharon Green from Walsall said she was constantly out of breath, her clothes were getting tighter, she lacked self-confidence and she felt like she was out of control.

She said she approached her GP to get some help and support and learned about the 12-week referral scheme offered locally with Slimming World, a programme which helped her to drop more than five stone in weight.

Since stepping through the doors of a group at the Church on the Corner in Walsall, Ms Green said she felt motivated to keep going and said the programme had helped her to lose weight and still enjoy the food she loved.

She said: “With Slimming World, I found that I could lose weight and still enjoy the foods I love.

It was while feeling heavy and out of breath that Sharon realised a change needed to be made