Councillor to take issue of anti-social behaviour to full Walsall meeting
A Blakenall councillor is aiming to raise the issue of anti-social behaviour in his area at the next full meeting of Walsall Council on Monday.

Independent councillor and former Mayor of Walsall Pete Smith has already written to bus and council chiefs about the problem with stone throwing youths in the Blakenall, Coalpool, Goscote and Ryecroft area.
It has seen buses diverted and timetables changed in the area, with a police chief in November asking parents to 'take responsibility' for their children. Ryecroft Cemetery in Coalpool has also seen restricted access due to the problem with one of the gates closed
Councillor Smith is pressing the bus companies for a firm commitment to restore full services and is seeking a date for this restoration. He will use his question at the council meeting on Monday to address this, and the wider issue of anti-social behaviour in the area.
He said: "The residents understand why the bus companies have been forced to take action in the interests of safety of drivers and passengers but this curtailment and re-routing of buses must surely be no more than a last resort and temporary move.
"I fully understand the council,police and other agencies are working to address this issue but as things presently stand, this criminal behaviour has not been stopped, there has been no announcement that anyone has been charged with any offence and the public continue to be inconvenienced by the changes in the bus services.
"We should not blame any individual organisation for this as all of us, also have a role to play in helping the agencies involved to resolve this, especially with any relevant information related to the incidents."
"This is not just low level anti-social behaviour, they are on-going premeditated criminal acts that are putting lives at risk.
"Whilst I will do all can to work with the council and police my first priority is to represent local residents' views and frustrations. They want a resolution to this and It's my duty to make this point as loudly and clearly as I can using whatever platforms I have."
The meeting takes place at www.