Dog rings end-of-treatment bell at a Black Country vets after completing his chemotherapy
A brave dog has rung the bell at a Black Country veterinary practice after successfully completing his chemotherapy treatment.

Milo is a seven-year-old Cockerdor - a cross between a Cocker Spaniel and a Labrador - who was diagnosed with cancer after his owner spotted a rash on his ear which developed into a lump.
The beloved pet has now successfully undergone chemotherapy to cure his cancer at White Cross Vets in Bloxwich and is one of only a handful of pets to be treated at the practice with chemotherapy drugs.
Katie Cooper, a vet from the Bloxwich practice, said: "We organised for the chemotherapy drugs to be dropped off first thing in the morning, safely stored and then injected into Milo.
"We had to take special precautions, with our team all suiting up in protective clothing for each treatment, but despite our appearances, Milo still recognised us and greeted us with a wagging tail and offering up his paw!"
Milo’s owner, Julie Simmons, said: "We got Milo when he was an eight-week-old puppy, and he is our first dog. He is a larger-than-life character and certainly rules the roost at home!
"He’s always been in good health and before Covid we used to take him to White Cross Vets every month for a regular check-up and weigh in.
"The team there love him, and he loves going! Whenever I tell him we are going to see the ladies at the vets he always jumps up and starts getting excited and wagging his tail!"

She went on to say: "When we noticed a rash on his ear, which developed into a small lump that he either caught on something or scratched as it bled a lot, we took him to the vets, who gave us some ointment and asked to check on it again in a couple of weeks. As it had not improved, they suggested they test it.
"When the results came in, we were shocked to find out that the lumps was cancerous. White Cross Vets sent us to an oncology referral centre for a deep scan that examined him from top to toe to see if the cancer was in other parts of his body too.
"The results revealed that unfortunately it was also in his lymph nodes and that there was a small lump in Milo’s groin.
"As a result, Milo had his ear removed and an operation to remove the lumps in his groin and lymph nodes. He coped really well, but to make sure he had the best chance of beating any cancer not fully removed, he also had to undergo chemotherapy treatment.
"Luckily, we were able to do these 12 sessions at White Cross Vets, in a place Milo felt comfortable and where we knew the team."
Katie added: "Milo finished his treatment two weeks ago and we celebrated with the whole team at our practice by awarding him the coveted title of pet of the month!
"Milo has been so brave throughout his multiple operations and rounds of chemotherapy. He’s a really special boy who we all love.
"His owners have done the very best for him and it has been a privilege to help guide them through this tough time."
Julie added: "We feel like we have done everything possible to help him beat cancer so he can keep living a full and happy life with us.
"He’s back chasing the football round the garden and is so full of life again. Also, despite all his trips to the vets, he still gets excited when we go – I think he knows how much they love him and how many treats he will get!"
White Cross Vets is based on Leamore Lane in Bloxwich. For more details call 01922 667 010 or visit