14 flats planned for empty Walsall care home
A former Walsall nursing home which has sat empty for a number of years could be converted into apartments for older people.

Walsall Council planning officers are currently considering a proposal by an applicant listed as Mr S Sidhu to revamp the old Redhouse Nursing Home in Redhouse Street into 14 new flats.
If approved, the development would consist of 11 one-bedroom apartments and three two-bed homes, with future residents being aged over 55.
The plan would also include creating nine extra parking spaces on the site to bring a total of 14 for the development.
A transport plan as part of the application also states the area has good access to public transport services, concluding that the apartments would not exacerbate any highways issues in the area.
Redhouse Nursing Home has been vacant since 2019 and a previous plan to turn it into a 35-room HMO for asylum seekers was rejected in 2021.
That proposal sparked strong objections in the community, with a 63-name petition and a number of letters voicing concerns about crime and anti-social behaviour being put forward.
Despite officers recommending approval, members of Walsall Council’s planning committee rejected the scheme due to an increase in the fear of crime.
The Transportation Consultancy Ltd, who produced the transport statement, said: “The site is located in an area which has good connections to frequent bus services which provide access to a number of key destinations.
“The site is situated in a sustainable location where a number of key services and facilities can be accessed within a desirable walking distance.
“There are no existing highway safety Issues that the development is expected to exacerbate.
“The development will provide parking that is appropriate to create a balance between a sustainable development and appropriate parking provision.
“Cycle parking will be provided to ensure that residents who wish to cycle have somewhere secure to store their bikes.
“The anticipated trip generation for the proposed development has been determined and the trip generation is minimal and will therefore not have a detrimental impact on the operation or safety of the local highway network.”