'State-of-the-art' new mosque will be built on site of 'tired' old Walsall building
A huge new Islamic Centre will replace a ‘tired’ mosque facility in Walsall after plans were given the green light.

The Masjid Al Madina mosque and community centre on Mount Street will be demolished and replaced with a new two-storey place of worship and Islamic Centre.
It will feature a prayer hall, library, dining and multi-purpose hall, classrooms, mortuary, improved ladies’ rooms, kitchen, offices and new toilets.
Representatives for the mosque said the project was much-needed for the benefit of the existing community as the current facilities do not meet their requirements.
Walsall Council planners approved the scheme and said: “Walsall Council seeks to work proactively with owners, developers and their agents in the public interest to promote sustainable developments in the borough.
“The National Planning Policy Framework encourages pre-application discussion in all formats to help ensure that proposed developments are delivered in the most appropriate way that creates economic growth, suitable housing and other forms of development so long as they safeguard the natural and built environment, highway safety and the amenity of citizens.
“In this instance, the council has been able to support the proposed development and has worked with the applicant.”
Agents Catalyst Design Ltd said: “The mosque is one of the largest mosques in Walsall.
“It is located between the multicultural neighbourhoods of Caldmore and Palfrey and the mosque has good links with all religious groups in the area and is proud to be the centre of inter-community relations.
“The centre’s primary objective is to act as a place of worship for the Muslims in Walsall. Users of the mosque come from all walks of life and varying ethnic backgrounds.
“It is a strict policy of the mosque to allow people from all ethnic and religious lines to use the facilities that it provides. The mosques also provides extensive facilities for the Muslim women of Walsall.
“The mosque also has daily evening classes (Madrassah) for children under the age of 16 where Arabic/Urdu and Islamic studies is taught from Monday to Friday – 5pm to 7pm.
“The proposal is to demolish the existing tired-looking building which does not meet the current requirements in terms of its condition, space and facilities and to construct a new efficient building that meets with the requirement for women’s space, children and better facilities for disabled, elderly and others.
“The proposal is aimed at catering for the vast community living within the area.
“The new proposal will enhance the characteristic of the area, highlighted by the modern looking architectural statement building, with state of the art facilities as an architectural feature of the centre.
“The minarets act as a beacon to the area as a symbol of a mosque.
“The centre is also intended to serve the local community within the area by providing a meeting place, dining/multi purpose hall, educational centre with library/resource centre for the community to use.
“There will not be any increase of numbers as the Masjid will be used by the same local people who lives in the proximity.
“Large wedding receptions will not be held in the new building. There will be no external amplification of call of prayer.”