Care facility plan for old store is rejected
A proposal to extend and convert a former Walsall off licence into a care facility for adults has been thrown out.
GSD Housing Ltd wanted to transform the old Palfrey Mini Market on Whitehall Road into an adult-supported living development to meet growing needs.
Had it been approved, work would have involved an extra floor being created on the existing building to provide more bedrooms and facilities for the service users.
But planning officers at Walsall Council said the development would be out of character with the rest of the area as well as being overbearing for neighbours.
In the application, agents Keith Reynolds Associates said: “There have been a few changes of use over the years and until recently the corner shop was established.
“This came to an end a few years ago and the time has now come to re-evaluate the potential of the site and how the community can also benefit.
“From research carried out by the applicant there is an ever growing need for care for those less fortunate than ourselves and where the community as a whole could benefit.
“There are numerous families in the area that are looking after a relative as a duty but they are not providing the actual care the person demands.
“This proposed development would allow them peace of mind where their relative was being looked after professionally whilst the family could continue its daily function yet be close at hand for visiting.”
But planning officers said: “The proposed scheme fails to reflect, enhance and respect the local historic and townscape quality of the area and would fail to provide an attractive quality-built development that would be reflective of the existing built form along Whitehall Road.
“The proposal would appear as an incongruous addition and over-development of the site which would not make a positive contribution to the street.
“(It) would lead to inadequate levels of amenity for any future occupants
creating a constrained living environment that would be harmful and fail to provide a healthy and optimal living environment.
“The significant height, scale and bulk of the proposed development would result in overbearing and significant shading and loss of light and overlooking to (neighbours).”