Lidl to build another new store in Walsall with 40 jobs
Discount supermarket chain Lidl has been given the go-ahead to build a second new store in Walsall in just two months.

Up to 40 new ‘well paid’ new jobs will be created when the new store is built on Walsall Road at the borough’s boundary with Sandwell.
It comes after the go-ahead was given to the company to take over the struggling Horse and Jockey pub on Walsall Road in Walsall Wood, which is just six miles away.
Members of Walsall Council’s planning committee granted permission for the scheme, subject to conditions, at a meeting held on Thursday (April 27).
Representatives for Lidl said they are looking to build a total of four new stores within Walsall as part of a multi-million pound investment in the area.
Work will involve the demolition of a unit currently on site which houses several businesses – all of whom are relocating to other premises within Walsall.
A new access road will also be created on Walsall Road, which has been backed by Sandwell Council planners due to it falling within their borough, while 100 parking spaces will also be created.
The planning application attracted one letter of support, saying it would make shopping ‘more convenient’, and one in objecting due to concerns about increase in traffic and noise.
But Lidl said the public consultation they carried out drew mainly positive responses with 91 per cent being in favour of the new store.
Ryan McTeggart, of Rapleys told the Planning Committee: “Lidl is committed to providing four new discount stores in Walsall representing a multi-million pound investment in the borough.
“These projects are all being actively taken forward as we speak with this being the second to come before you for determination.
“The proposal will deliver numerous substantial benefits in our view, most importantly many of those will be felt locally to the store, specifically a new retail discount store serving the well established Yew Tree, Fullbrook and Delves areas.
“These local residents are not well served by discount food store provision and the proposal will address this. A store in this location will substantially reduce the amount of travel required with close access by foot, cycle, bus, train and car.
“We are increasingly finding with the cost of living crisis that easy access to a discount food store is a high priority.
“This is shown by our public consultation which showed 91 per cent of residents supported a store in this location.
“Adding to that, the store will create up to 40 well paid jobs for local residents – ow starting at a minimum of £11 per hour, well above the national living wage.
“We note the recommendation is for approval. Both Walsall and Sandwell highways are satisfied with the proposed highways access arrangements.
“The current occupiers of the site have confirmed they will relocate their businesses to alternative locations within Walsall therefore no existing jobs will be lost as part of the redevelopment.”