Investigations under way after 'cyber attack' on Walsall hospital trust
An investigation is under way after a "cyber attack" at a trust that runs a hospital in the Black Country, it can be revealed.

Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust, which runs Walsall Manor Hospital, was subject to the incident which happened on the evening of March 10.
The cyber attack was contained but an investigation is ongoing to understand the "full extent and impact" of what has happened, health chiefs say.
The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), a Government agency, and data watchdog the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) have both been informed.
Rich Pearson, chief information officer at Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust said: “The trust is currently dealing with the aftermath of a cyber incident, which was contained.
"Our IT team has been working hard since we were alerted to the threat, and we are working closely with the National Cyber Security Centre to understand the full extent and impact of what has happened.
"Until the investigation is concluded, we would encourage people to remain vigilant around any suspicious activity. We will provide further information as soon as we are able to."
The NCSC confirmed they were aware of the incident and are working with the healthcare trust to "fully understand the impact" of it.
An ICO spokesman added: "People’s medical data is highly sensitive information. Not only do people expect it to be handled carefully and securely, organisations also have a responsibility under the law.
"When a data incident occurs, we would expect an organisation to consider whether it is appropriate to contact those affected, and to consider whether there are steps that can be taken to protect them from any potential adverse effects.
"Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust has made us aware of an incident and we are assessing the information provided."
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