Stranded schoolchildren go sightseeing in New York after hotel 'shreds' passports
Schoolchildren stranded in America after their passports were reportedly shredded by mistake have been sightseeing as they await documents to fly home with.

A group of pupils from Barr Beacon School, Walsall, were supposed to return on Saturday from a ski trip in the White Mountains of New England, near Boston. However, horrified teachers discovered that 44 passports given to Kancamagus Lodge Hotel, New Hampshire, had been accidentally destroyed.
The group had to travel to the British Embassy in New York for emergency documents that will allow them to fly home, which is expected to happen tomorrow.
While in the Big Apple, teachers and staff have been exploring the city, posting photos from bus tours, skyscrapers and the 9/11 memorial.
The schoolchildren's extended American adventure was the main topic of conversation for those Barr Beacon School pupils returning to school after half term.
Year 12 pupil Gene Smith, who could not go on the ski trip as he is training for a world championship kickboxing match next week, said: "We have all been talking about it, I think a lot of them are really happy to be seeing New York for free."
The 16-year-old added: "They are saying they are having a great time."
One parent, who did not want to be named, said emotions had calmed down since last week when they first got the news.
He said: "Obviously hearing my child would not be getting back when they were supposed to was a big worry. But it was not the school's fault and after thinking about it getting a free few days in New York is something none of them will forget.
"There will be time to work out about who will pay for the replacement passports when they all get back. But it will be a trip they will never forget."
Speaking about the incident on Friday, headteacher Katie Hibbs told the Express & Star: "We have a group of pupils and staff currently in New York after spending a week skiing in Boston.
"Unfortunately, the hotel managed to destroy the passports in their care, which has led to all those affected having to apply for Emergency Travel Documents. The group are at the British Embassy in New York today to finalise all of the documents before they fly home on Tuesday, four days later than planned."

Parents were shocked to find out what had happened, with one saying they "could not believe their eyes". Meanwhile the headteacher has praised the staff for their hard work while the pupils 'remain positive' during the "fraught time".
It is impossible to fly out of America without a passport and the British Embassy charges upwards of £150 to issue a one off emergency travel document.
The Express & Star has previously contacted the Kancamagus Lodge Hotel for a comment.