Brand new go-karting track opens for business in Walsall
A brand new go-karting track in Walsall was due to open today.

PMG Karting World in Bloxwich Road, which was formerly occupied by Ace go Karting plus, is now open for business and the owners are encouraging everyone to take a look at what's on offer.
Daniel Wilkinson, who also runs a car dealership in Worcestershire, spent almost £1m refurbishing the premises and buying equipment since March to get ready for the opening.
He said: "My little boy Theo, who is now 11, was born three-and-a-half months early with part of his brain not developed.
"We took him karting and he loved it. This will also allow him to have a future job in an environment he enjoys if he wants to.
"We will be holding family sessions – I wanted it to be a very family-centred environment. We'll also be doing junior academies and if we can help kids who have some disabilities in that environment I would like to be able to encourage that."
Speaking about the opening, he added: "It's actually really quite emotional to see our vision come to fruition.
"Everything is brand new. It's really exciting.
"I want to thank my team and I want people to enjoy it."
People can book online at and can quote 'newtrack' for a 10 per cent discount.