Fears for customer safety as shocking images shared of dried fish and chicken inside Walsall shop

Shocking images of dried fish and chicken out on display in a Walsall shop have been shared on social media – the council is now investigating.

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The images from Walsall Trading Standards Savvy Shopper show dried fish and chicken

The Walsall Trading Standards Savvy Shopper Facebook page, part of Walsall Council, shared the images and called it a "shocking disregard for customer safety".

In a post on the page, it said: "Some issues with the labelling and storage of this food... can you spot them?

"Found on sale in Walsall yesterday by Trading Standards, and in all seriousness this is a shocking disregard for customer safety and food law.

"If unsure, retailers just need to ask for advice. tradingstandards@walsall.gov.uk."

The images from Walsall Trading Standards Savvy Shopper show dried fish and chicken
The images from Walsall Trading Standards Savvy Shopper show dried fish and chicken

The pictures show dried fish sitting, unpackaged and unlabelled, in a bucket inside a shop, and also dried, blackened chicken lying unpackaged and without a label.

It is not known which store the food was from.

Walsall Council said an investigation is taking place.