Express & Star

Scheme to tackle 'fake beggars' launched in Walsall

A scheme to combat “fake beggars” and help rough sleepers off the streets has been launched in Walsall.

Jean Templeton, Carole Fox and Councillor Adrian Andrew at the launch of Change Into Action in Walsall

The borough has become the fourth local authority in the region to introduce Change Into Action alternative giving, following Birmingham, Solihull and Coventry.

It will be run by One Walsall and will see donations collected from the public and used by organisations to provide help and support to homeless people and help them turn their lives around.

Last month, Walsall Council leader Mike Bird said “fake beggars” were making up to £100 in the town centre due to the generosity of residents and urged people to donate to charity instead of giving money to such people.

As well as providing funds for rough sleepers, money collected through Change Into Action will also help secure tenancies and providing a range of essentials such as IDs and helping them secure the right benefits.

At a launch event on Friday, Walsall Council deputy leader Adrian Andrew said rough sleeping in the borough had reduced by 75 per cent since 2016.

He said Housing First had also helped get 53 rough sleepers into accommodation, making it an exemplar amongst local authorities who run it.

Other successes include the ‘new beginning’ project that has seen 10 street sex workers into new accommodation and usage of the Night Shelter drop from 35 daily in 2017 to eight.

He said: “We come into politics, whatever party, to improve people’s lives. And what we have done here in Walsall over the years has been inspirational and has changed people’s lives in a really dramatic and positive way.

“I’ve met some of the people who’ve gone through Housing First and its humbling and inspirational when you meet them. I always say the scheme is light at the beginning of the tunnel and not the end.

“Breaking the chain of street begging remains a priority for Walsall Council. Councillor Mike Bird told people not to give to people on the streets and that residents are far too generous.

“Change Into Action is an alternative giving scheme that will ensure public donations are given in a positive way and directly to rough sleepers.

“Actually, by giving them money, you are not helping them directly. They need that support to go along with funding.

“No-one should ever feel the streets of Walsall are their homes, their beds and their only option. Nobody needs to be homeless in Walsall. And there are options in Walsall for individuals who are ready to receive that support.”

Walsall Change Into Action can be accessed at for donations and more information.

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