Walsall Council fireworks nights resulted in £50,000 loss
Walsall Council lost more than £50,000 by running four bonfire and firework events last year.

The authority spent £118,637 on the events at Holland Park, Brownhills, Willenhall Memorial Park, Walsall Arboretum and King George V Playing Fields in Bloxwich.
But the income from the events was just £64,942, meaning there was a loss of £53,465, which was balanced from corporate reserves, a document going to the Economy and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee on Thursday says.
In the report it adds: "Fireworks have become more powerful and firework prices in the UK have risen significantly, costing between £8,000 and £10,000 for a single event display in 2019.
"This reflects increased regulation on the storage and use of high-powered fireworks in crowded places. Since 2014, far more stringent Health and Safety legislation relating to explosives and public display pyrotechnics has added to the need for increasing precautions on public safety.
"These were all considered in the 2019 events adding to the complexities and costs of putting on a bonfire and firework display but ultimately providing a safer and more enjoyable experience for members of the public.
"Over the past four years, the council has run these events at a loss. Cabinet has also agreed a Commercial and Income Policy which looks to avoid such losses."