Express & Star

School traffic a 'living hell' for residents near Walsall primary

Fed-up residents claim they are living a "daily hell" due to inconsiderate parking by parents accessing a neighbouring Walsall school.

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Manor Primary in Briar Avenue

Walsall Council’s planning committee discussed a proposal by Manor Primary in Briar Avenue, Streetly, which will see a new teaching block featuring two classrooms, toilets and storage space, along with seven extra parking spaces, created.

The expansion is to accommodate an extra 60 pupils over the next few years with 15 joining each September.

But the application prompted a furious reaction from people living in nearby streets, who said their lives were already being made a misery by the existing numbers.

Dozens of letters of objection and petitions against the scheme were sent into planners.

Ward councillor Sat Johal, who represented the residents, told committee members that the relationship between the school, parents and neighbours was at “boiling point”.

She said residents’ lives were being made a “misery” by people blocking the road and their driveways and there had been no dialogue between the head teacher and them.

No representatives from the school attended the meeting.

Councillor Johal said: “I am not against the expansion of schools in our borough, but when the lives of residents are impacted then as their local councillor I must defend their concerns.

“The traffic associated with Manor Primary has become intolerable. It is dangerous and road safety is being compromised on a daily basis.

“Parents are parking illegally, they are blocking residents’ drives with total disregard and making their lives a misery.

“The residents are living a daily hell and their lives are conducted around the school, which should not be the case.

“The relationship between residents, parents and the school is at boiling point.”

She added that a resident who had lived there 40 years had told her that if they asked parents to move their cars, they were subjected to abuse. They were now thinking of moving house.

Officers told members that the school was working up a travel plan to encourage use of alternative transport methods. They added issues such as illegal parking were matters for the police.

A consultation is also due to start on proposed changes to traffic in surrounding roads, such as the introduction of a one-way system, to help alleviate problems.

The committee agreed to delegate to officers to grant permission providing conditions such as improving parking and traffic arrangements in the area were met.

The head teacher will also have to form a committee with residents and councillors to discuss a way forward.

Committee chairman Mike Bird said: “What we are saying to the school is, if you want this extension, you will do what the resolution says and that is talk to the residents and talk to the elected members. If they don’t comply with our officers, it won’t happen. It’s as simple as that.”

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