Express & Star

Walsall craft club looking for new members

A craft club in Walsall is expanding and looking for new members.

Francesca Cox with back left, Lynne Moran and Louise Platt

Walsall Leather Museum's Stitchers and Scivers Craft Club has been meeting on the second Wednesday of each month in the mornings for three years and now an afternoon session has launched.

Francesca Cox, assistant curator at the museum, said: "Every month we meet on the second Wednesday, there's a morning session and an afternoon session.

"We're trying to build up the afternoon session which is newer.

"Every month we do a different craft, so it's more about experimenting and trying different techniques rather than people coming in and being told what to do.

"We've done leather work, glass painting, printing, it's a chance to come along and we've got all the materials for each day.

"It's about people experimenting and having a go at different things that they might have never done.

"The morning session is really popular but we have got places spare in the afternoon.

"They get tea and biscuits, it's a nice social event.

"The morning group has been meeting for three years now and has really bonded. It's an opportunity to get away from normal life and have a play."

The group will be making Christmas decorations in December. It is £6 per session and takes place from 1.30pm to 4.30pm.

To book a place call 01922 652288.