Bid to clear ‘eyesore’ buildings for new homes in Walsall
Two “eyesore” terraced houses in Walsall are set to finally be demolished to make way for new homes.

Walsall Council’s planners gave the go-ahead to Eastwood Developments to tear down the dilapidated terraced properties in Lower Lichfield Street and replace them with new houses.
In its application, the company said the existing buildings had been causing concern for a number of years due to their poor condition.
A third property has previously been demolished and this proposal is to clear the remaining ones and tidy up the area and replace them with brand new houses.
The three new homes will also be terraced properties with three bedrooms in each of them.
In its application, Eastwood Developments said the project is expected to take around a year to complete.
The firm said: “The existing site is dilapidated. The proposed development will provide modern residential accommodation and bring back into use an area of the town that has remained a local eye sore and concern for many years.”
It added that the new three storey homes would be accessed from Lower Lichfield Street and have gardens at the rear of the properties.
Steve Pretty, Walsall Council’s head of planning, said: “Walsall Council seeks to work proactively with owners, developers and their agents in the public interest to promote sustainable developments in the borough.
“The National Planning Policy Framework encourages pre-application discussion in all formats to help ensure that proposed developments are delivered in the most appropriate way that creates economic growth, suitable housing and other forms of development so long as they safeguard the natural and built environment, highway safety and the amenity of citizens.
“In this instance the council has been able to support the proposed development and has worked with the applicant.”