Express & Star

Step forward for derelict Walsall pub demolition plan

A proposal to demolish an “iconic” disused Walsall pub and replace it with luxury housing has taken a step forward.

The former Three Crowns Inn on Sutton Road

Walsall Council’s planning committee gave the go-ahead for the creation of an access road to a conservation area next to the Three Crowns Inn on Sutton Road.

Members unanimously approved the plan at a meeting last week without debate.

The application is in connection with an existing proposal to tear down the empty pub and construct seven five-bedroom executive homes on the Green Belt site.

There had been strong opposition to that proposal and planning officers had initially recommended refusal due to concerns over the impact the huge buildings would have on the conservation area.

Residents had also called for the retention of the Three Crowns, calling it “iconic” and an outstanding example of a 1930s pub building.

But members disagreed and said the development would meet a need for more “aspirational housing” in Walsall.

The derelict building, which has been empty for more than a decade, with the boarded up pub being labelled an “abomination”.

The current for the access route from the housing development area would enable people to get to land which is classed as a site of importance for nature conservation to ensure it is maintained.

In a report to committee, officers said this was acceptable as it would help preserve and enhance the character of the area.