'It's putting everything at risk': Clear message over proposed Walsall Arboretum cuts
Protesters gathered to send a message to councillors in a bid to try and save jobs under threat at Walsall Arboretum.

Around 30 people stood on the steps of Walsall Council house to campaign against plans to restructure staff.
The plans, which were announced in April, will see the roles of park manager and marketing and activities co-ordinator cut.
This comes as Walsall Council looks to make almost £400,000 worth of savings as it reorganises its public health lifestyle contracts, sports and leisure development and clean and green teams.
WATCH: Find out more on the protest
It means that current posts will be removed and a new dedicated team will be put together.
Now, after amassing more than 2,000 signatures through an online campaign and a paper petition, campaigners delivered the petition to the council.
Chair of Walsall Arboretum User Group, Jo Lester, said: "We are incredibly concerned that the park will fall by the wayside without a suitable managing structure.
"When the Heritage Lottery funds came in to renovate the park, it stipulated that a manager and a number of operatives were needed to run it.

"This is putting at risk everything that has been achieved in the last 10 years, it's been an internal decision from the council with no public consultation.
"The park is generating income and last year over 900,000 visited from around the country - there's fantastic potential here.
"This decision is not only risky, but incredibly short-sighted.
"So many fantastic organisations use the park for a range of activities, and they'll all be at risk now too.

"The Arboretum is part of the community and it will only go down hill from here if this happens."
A member of the protest, Gordon Shipley, added: "All I'm asking is that we have whoever is running the park to be based at Walsall Arboretum, it's the jewel in the crown of Walsall and a wonderful facility.
"The council did a great job in renovating it and it's now brilliant, and we can't let it get back to the state it once was."