Rescue centre in Walsall still monitored for dog sales
A council is still monitoring a rescue centre which was accused of illegally selling dogs four months ago.

Walsall Council launched an investigation into Rosedene Rescue Centre in January after it received reports dogs were being sold from the site without a licence.
It comes after the home was forced to close in January last year after volunteers removed more than 20 animals claiming they were ‘at risk’.
Back in 2010 Rosedene was raided by the RSPCA which shut it down and seized 56 dogs, destroying three of them, due to the conditions at the centre. It was allowed to reopen four months later.
Walsall Council previously investigated the home in 2017 after fears of a rat infestation were raised.
Dozens of protestors took to the streets outside Walsall Council house in February last year to demonstrate against the centre's re-opening.
The centre later reopened after undergoing extensive refurbishment, including a new heating system being installed.
Rosedene does not need a licence to operate as a rescue centre but it does to sell dogs.
Now Walsall Council has said it is still regularly monitoring the centre.
A spokeswoman for Walsall Council said: "The Rosedene Centre has not applied for, nor been issued with, a licence to sell animals under the Animal Welfare Regulations 2018 prior to, or since re-opening in January of this year.
"Regulations include the following as a licensable activity: 'Selling animals as pets (or with a view to their being later resold as pets) in the course of a business including keeping animals in the course of a business with a view to their being so sold or resold'.
"The council regularly visits Rosedene Rescue Centre and is in touch with owner/manager of the centre to reiterate the following: the selling of animals is a licensable activity under the Animal Welfare Regulations 2018, it is an offence to sell animals except under the authority of a licence, should Rosedene Rescue Centre engage in the selling of animals it is to cease this activity immediately and the council will investigate all reports relating to the sale of dogs and take formal action if necessary."