Concerns over gambling in Walsall
Extra enforcement officers to reduce the amount of families being affected by gambling in Walsall have been suggested.

Walsall Council discussed a revision of the statement of principles of its gambling act and councillors raised concerns about the amount of betting shops in the borough and the lack of enforcement around betting.
Labour leader Sean Coughlan said: "I grew up with a father that liked to drink and liked to gamble and that's why I don't gamble.
"The reality is parents influence children extremely on all sorts of issues."
Councillor Angela Underhill said all councillors have concerns about the amount of betting shops.
She said: "I think we all have concerns about the amount of betting shops in our towns at the moment.
"Families are devastated by gambling, it's a drug, it's as bad as drinking, we can try and get better legislation. It really is a dreadful addiction.
"I welcome this report and I hope in the future we can take more action."
Council leader Mike Bird said he will ask for an extra report to be prepared on the issue and extra people to enforce legislation.
He said: "What has been said tonight is 100 per cent correct, there is no doubt that gambling is as bad as alcoholism.
"We will be looking to include extra people on enforcement in May.
"We will ask for an extra report to go to cabinet to know what we have and what we are doing."