Experts return to sinkhole site outside Walsall homes
Geology experts returned to the site of a sinkhole that appeared above an old ironstone mine shaft in Walsall last year to investigate the area.

The sinkhole appeared on Channel 5's Sinkholes documentary last year after the mine shaft opened up very close to a home in Delves.
The team returned this month to carry out additional investigative drilling at the site to finalise the works needed to stabilise the shaft.
Ross Nicolson, principal geotechnical engineer for Geoinvestigate, said the mine shaft was 'crudely capped' around the 1930s.
He said: "The method of treatment was not inappropriate for the time and the presence of some reinforcement in the cap shows they perhaps took extra care in this instance.
"Subsequently almost 80 years later the mine shaft has subsided leaving a sizeable though not overly large cavity below the cap but one that can be stabilised.
"Favourably the shaft is only 16m deep, largely infilled and with a partial brick lining so the stabilisation works and cost will be minor. In addition there has been no damage to the house structure at all.
"The mine shaft stabilisation works which will be carried out later this year will require grouting the shaft contents to make them stronger, relaying the outside drains then installing a new stronger concrete cap at the surface and finally repairing the patio."