Free skips will be placed around Walsall to reduce fly-tipping
Free skips will be placed around Walsall in an attempt to reduce fly-tipping in the borough.

Beginning on January 19, 10 weekends of free skips will be in place around the borough on Saturdays at two different locations.
Residents can bring up to three bulky household items to the community skip.
Councillor Louise Harrison, portfolio holder for clean and green, said: “We are determined to continue the tough stance on fly-tipping across our borough and offering free skips in community locations is another great way to make it even easier for people to get rid of unwanted household items.
"The recent free bulky items collection trial proved to be hugely popular with residents across Walsall, with all of the 1,050 free slots on offer booked and used by people in the borough.”
Walsall Council’s cabinet approved three trial initiatives in September 2018 to combat fly tipping across the borough. Free community skip days are the second of the trials to take place and will be followed by the third trial, extended tip opening hours in Spring 2019.
Residents will need to call 01922 653355 to reserve a slot to bring items to the skip and bookings are being taken from today.