Blood biker trapped by car at Walsall Manor during urgent delivery
A blood bike volunteer making an 'urgent delivery' became trapped in a Black Country hospital car park after a driver parked millimetres away.

The Midland Freewheelers Blood Bike volunteer arrived at Walsall Manor Hospital’s short-stay car park at 7.05pm on Monday evening to make his delivery.
But when he returned to the car park he found he was stuck after a black BMW parked an inch from his vehicle, meaning he could not upright the bike to remove its side stand.
The rider had another urgent job to get to as he had to collect blood from a blood bank in Vincent Drive, Birmingham, to deliver back to Walsall Manor Blood Bank.
Adrian Reed, vice chairman of the charity, said: "We try to park in a considerate manner and not to impose on spaces as we are not usually there for more than 10 minutes.
"Three members of security and four members of the public helped to free the bike.
"The side panniers of the bike were removed to help the bike be tilted up enough to disengage the side stand.
"The rider then straddled the bike whilst others helped to steady the leaning bike.
"Another member engaged the gears and the tilted bike was then slowly manoeuvred over a kerb with the engine running.
"All in all it took around 25 minutes to free the bike."
The second job had to be picked up by a second volunteer to avoid any further delay to the delivery.
Mr Reed said that no damage was inflicted on the bike or the car.
It is believed that the car received a parking ticket after the incident.
Midland Freewheelers is an unpaid volunteer motorbike service for the NHS, based in the West Midlands.
The service runs 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and has completed almost 9,000 jobs since it started in 2009.
Based upon £12 per taxi, per journey, the service estimates it has saved the NHS £31,608 this year alone.
For more information on Midland Freewheelers visit