Express & Star

Walsall Council to overspend by £2m

Cash-strapped Walsall Council is forecast to spend more than £2 million over its budget for this financial year.

Last updated
Walsall Council

Extra pressures across social care in particular means the authority has had to dig deeper into its pockets to the tune of £2.4m on top of the original £172.21m revenue budget.

A scrutiny overview committee noted the authority’s 2018/19 financial position at a meeting last night.

In contrast, the council’s capital spend is headed for a £3.5m underspend, the majority of which will be carried over to the next financial year.

The council is currently consulting on its latest budget proposals for 2019/20 which sees the authority having to make £20m worth of savings.

A report to committee said: “A number of significant risks and pressures have emerged during 2018/19 that has required action to be taken to limit the council’s exposure, mainly within adult social care and children’s services.

“These are being managed via a combination of one off actions – use of earmarked reserves, use of one-off grant, Every Penny Counts exercise – and ongoing actions (review of existing budgets and realignments where feasible).

“After corrective action, there remains a predicted revenue variance above budget of c£2.4m.

“The above potentially impacts on general reserve balances. General reserves were £15.23m at April 1, 2018. A year-end overspend of £2.40m would reduce reserves to £12.83m.”

It added: “The capital position is a forecast underspend of £3.55m for the council as a whole, of which £3.52m is proposed to be carried forward into 2019/20, thus a net underspend of £28k.”

By Gurdip Thandi, Local Democracy Reporter