Raiders strike 17 times at Walsall businesses in just ONE month
Raiders have stolen charity boxes, stock and clothing after smashing their way into buildings during a spate of business break-ins.

Seventeen raids have taken place in December alone, according to West Midlands Police.
Detectives have not officially linked the cases but have identified a pattern, saying that firms have been targeted on Mondays and Tuesdays with multiple incidents on Ablewell Street and Bridge Street in Walsall.
The force has now stepped up patrols in the town centre and urged business owners to take extra security measures.
Police said thieves mostly failed to gain entry or left empty-handed but revealed that five break-ins were ‘successful’.
The first burglary took place at handmade ironwork manufacturer Kirkpatrick in Charles Street on the night of December 4. Raiders cut locks on the main building activating an alarm and broke into a shed and shower block stealing staff clothing.
Then between the night of December 8 and the following morning Hearnshaws Carpets and Curtains on Stafford Street was targeted. The culprits smashed a window with a brick and stole a rug.
On December 12, between midnight and 10.12am, True Beauty salon, on Ablewell Street, was raided when intruders smashed the window with a concrete slab. Cash from the till and a collection for Rosedene Rescue Centre was stolen.
The business owner, who did not want to be named, said: “I felt violated and distraught when I came in. I am going to reimburse the charity collection.”
The Argos Clearance Bargains outlet at Jerome Retail Park was broken into on December 17, between 3am and 3.17am. Stock was stolen.
Then on December 19 a suspect smashed a glass front door at Co-operative Bank, Bridge Street, and stole charity boxes.
Kevin Pitt, police, engagement and consultation officer for Walsall, said: “Given the diversity of business premises in Walsall it is difficult to give general crime prevention advice.
“Please take additional care with your security. We will be targeting the area with additional patrols whenever possible.”