Express & Star

Daredevil's freezing cold 'naked' water ski raises hundreds for dementia charity - with PICTURES

A daredevil braved the cold by going water skiing in just her swimming costume to raise money for Dementia UK.

Lauren Powell

Lauren Powell, an assistance accountant from Aldridge, raised more than £1,000 by plunging into the freezing cold water at Chase Watersports Centre, Brownhills, to take part in the annual water ski event that is held there on Boxing Day.

She did it in the name of her grandfather, Peter Hollins, 82, who suffers with dementia and her nan, Patricia Hollins, 81, who cares for him.

The 21-year-old said: "It went fab. There were loads of people there but it was freezing. When I got in the water, I could feel my heartbeat and normally I am quite loud but my voice went even though I have to shout to the boat to start."

Miss Powell decided to brave the feat because her grandfather was diagnosed with vascular dementia in 2014- the second most common type of dementia that affects around 150,000 people in the UK.

Lauren Powell with her granddad Peter Hollins
Lauren Powell with her granddad Peter Hollins
Lauren Powell prepares to brave the cold
Lauren Powell
Lauren Powell
Lauren Powell
Lauren Powell
Lauren Powell
Lauren Powell
Lauren Powell
A crowd cheers on Lauren Powell

She aimed to raise £500 for the national charity, Dementia UK, but has now successfully reached more than £1,000.

She added: "I'm close with my nan and granddad. He always used to take me up the lake and we used to come on a boat and feed the ducks. Even though granddad wasn't too sure what was happening on boxing day, he enjoyed the day.

"The reality of it is that my granddad may forget who I am or worse forget himself and his surroundings but as long as us as the family know how to control the situation then everything will be ok. This is the reason as to why I want to try and show support towards the admiral nurses that are helping people like my Granddad and their families.

"It mainly effects my nan more than anyone. It is hard for other family members but you don't really get it until you are living with them 24/7 like my nan is."

She started water skiing when she was younger but this is the first time she has done anything like this for charity.

Traditionally, participants do the Boxing Day Ski naked but it has more recently become fancy dress and she decided to wear a skin-coloured swimming costume with a Santa hat.

Donations can be made here.