Jurassic Park! T-Rex surprises Willenhall pupils
They may have started their morning tired and weary after half term but the sight of a T-Rex marching into assembly brought pupils at a junior school back to life.

Year two pupils at Fibbersley Park Primary Academy, on Noose Lane, Willenhall, were taken by surprise when animatronic dinosaur 'Sophie' showed up during an information session about what their main topic for this term would be.
Under the schools NICER curriculum, pupils will be learning all about dinosaurs for the next few months and teachers arranged for Sophie's visit to get them 'hooked' on the topic.
According to deputy head Rebecca Scordis, the surprise appearance on Monday did the trick.
She said: "Our year two pupils had been told that they would be learning about dinosaurs for this term.
"We challenge them to create something by the end of term, whether it be a spoken word piece, a short piece of drama, some artwork, anything they can relating to their topic.
"To make sure they get really excited about the project we try and hook them in on the first day.
"They spent the morning pretending to be paleontologists, finding fossils and discovering which dinosaur they relate to.
"We teased a special guest throughout the day and when Sophie arrived we had just got the whole assembly room to do their best T-Rex impression.
"The following morning everyone has come in with such enthusiasm, so I think it has worked."
The NICER curriculum is created by the Victoria Academy's Trust, which runs the school.
The concept is built around asking children what they want to have learned and experienced by the time they have left the school.