Express & Star

Rushall Primary School 'devastated' by vandal attack

Vandals have destroyed years of hard work at a primary school after setting fire to equipment created by parents, staff and pupils to create an outdoor learning environment.

Olivia Appleby and Luke Garrington, both aged 10, pictured with fellow pupils and staff in the woodland school at Rushall Primary School, Pelsall Ln, Walsall , which has been ruined by vandals

Staff arrived at Rushall Primary School to discover that a fire had been started in the woodland area on site, with benches and structures crafted to help pupils learn outdoors burnt in what staff described as 'a bonfire'.

Headteacher Kate Bargh said: "Everyone at the school is devastated by what has happened, we just don't understand why anyone would do this."

"The woodland area was a perfect place for our pupils to learn in a different environment, they could enjoy their time outdoors and learn things that they couldn't in the classroom.

"Staff have put in a lot of hard work over the last five years to make the vision we had a reality, while parents have also helped and pupils have contributed.

"We came in on Tuesday and the fire was still smouldering, we had benches that had been made by the pupils and chairs that were piled onto each other like a bonfire, completely destroyed.

"I get emotional now thinking about it because it was such a valued part of our school and we had so many good times out there.

"I don't see what anyone would get out of doing this, there is nothing for anyone to gain from setting fire to our learning area."

In spite of the attack, Mrs Bargh claims that the response from the local community has been 'overwhelming' and given the school something positive to think of as they look to move forward.

She said the school, in Pelsall Lane, will be looking to rebuild the area over the coming months, but admitted it could make some time.

She said: "It will be very difficult to get things back to how they were, the nature of the area was that it was always changing and developing so we can't just rebuild it to how it was.

"I would like to thank the community for their support during this difficult time, it has really been uplifting for us to know that they are there for us.

"We have had so many people saying they want to help us however they can and some local businesses have donated money for us to use towards redeveloping the site.

"We have around £750 so far and on Friday a number of parents visited the school to help us start rebuilding.

"It is a long process but we will get there."