Walsall Council's failing children's services drafts in new boss
A former Ofsted chief has been brought in to help Walsall Council's failing child services.

Sally Rowe has been appointed as director of the department.
She has held the post of Deputy National Inspector Social Care Inspection for the Government's education watchdog - which earlier this month rated the council's children's services as 'requires improvement'.
Ms Rowe is coming from Luton Borough Council where she was corporate director of people.
She said: "I have enjoyed my time in Luton immensely and am looking forward to working in Walsall where I believe staff have a strong commitment to providing quality services that focus on the needs of the child and family and in using my experience to assist the authority in improving on the recent Ofsted inspection outcome and improving outcomes for children and young people."
Council Leader Councillor Sean Coughlan said: "I am delighted with the unanimous decision of the Personnel Committee to appoint Sally and am sure her experience and expertise will greatly benefit the Council and the people of Walsall that we work for.”