Express & Star

Dead kitten and cat found in box in Walsall canal

The dead bodies of a kitten and a cat have been found in a box pulled out of a canal in Walsall.

One side of the Bridgeman Street canal where the box containing the animals was thrown

The RSPCA is appealing for information about the incident, which happened mid-afternoon last Friday.

A man in a hi-vis jacket was spotted throwing a brown box, which was covered in white tape, into the canal from Bridgeman Street, Walsall.

The man who witnessed it was concerned about what was in the box, and contacted West Midlands Fire Service who managed to retrieve it from the water.

RSPCA inspector Kate Levesley said: “They were very shocked to find inside it a dead cat and a dead kitten. It isn’t clear if they were alive or dead when they were thrown into the water, and this does concern us. We are keen to find out exactly what happened to the poor animals.

“It is really heartbreaking to find animals like this. It makes no sense to go to this much effort for animals which were dead. If they were alive when thrown into the canal then they would have suffered horrifically.

“We are urging anyone who has any information to contact us on 0300 123 8018.

“If you decide you no longer want to keep an animal, we would always urge people to contact ourselves or other animal rescue organisations as there are always ways we can help.”