Express & Star

Jailed Walsall social worker struck off for sex crimes

A social worker is behind bars and has now been struck off from his profession for a series of sex offences.

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Walsall Council house

Moses Reid was working for Walsall Council in 2015 when his crimes first came to light.

He was arrested on July 21 that year for allegations dating back to the 1970s when he was in his 20s.

They included attempting to rape a young girl.

Following a lengthy investigation the 63-year-old from Handsworth Wood, Birmingham, was convicted in November after a trial at Birmingham Crown Court.

He faced four counts of indecent assault on a female and two counts of attempted rape and was jailed for 10 years.

Today it emerged the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) has ruled when he is released he will be barred from practising as a social worker.

Chair of the HCPC conduct and competence committee Rachel Cook said: "The panel is of the view that the case is extremely serious, and that was reflected in the ten year custodial sentence which Mr Reid received.

"The panel had regard to the sentencing judge’s remarks that this was a case of abuse of trust.

"The panel concluded that Mr Reid had no insight into his offending.”

The HCPC's judgement added: "The judge further identified that the complainant was a young child who had been repeatedly sexually abused over a number of years and although this sexual offending had occurred over 35 years ago, the long term detrimental impact on the complainant had been significant.

"The panel noted that the registrant (Reid) had denied the offences, having been convicted after trial.

"The offending had been repeated, occurring over a number of years.

"In these circumstances, the panel concluded that there was no insight into his offending.

"From the judge’s sentencing remarks, it appeared that the offending had profoundly affected the complainant’s life and resulted in significant trauma so far as forming relationships was concerned."

The HCPC added: "Given the panel’s view of the serious nature and circumstances of the sexual offences, it concluded that the registrant had brought the profession into disrepute and would undermine public confidence in the profession.

"In light of this, the panel concluded that if it was considering afresh whether the registrant should be admitted to the register this panel would not admit him to the register.

"In all the circumstances, the panel was of the view that not to find current impairment would have a significant detrimental reputational effect on the regulator, and would severely undermine public confidence in the profession.

"The panel considered that a well informed member of the public, would find it profoundly unacceptable if the regulator did not take action against a social worker convicted of such serious charges."

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