Express & Star

Call out for library volunteers

Residents have been called on to help save New Invention Library by a community group determined to see the facility remain open in some capacity.


New Invention Library is one of nine to close across the borough after Walsall Council budget plans were given the go ahead at a meeting earlier this month.

Members of the New Invention Community Forum have said they are 'very concerned' about the impact the closure of the library, which is set to go ahead in June,w ill have on businesses and residents.

They are now asking for anyone interested in helping to make the library community run to come forward.

Wendy Evans, chair of New Invention Community Forum, said: “We have had an encouraging response so far from the council and local councillors to our ideas and we now need the local community to come forward and tell us their ideas of what they would want to see.

"Other areas in Walsall have these kind of facilities and there is no reason why we can’t do the same here at New Invention if enough people come forward with their ideas and offers to support us.

"This is a vital time for New Invention and we need the community to come forward to help us.”

The Forum is working closely with the Council to develop proposals on a rescue plan for the Library and Resource Centre which could see an extended range of activities and services for the local community from the Centre which it wants to see become a 'Community Hive'.

Ideas include a library style book exchange service, weekly parent and toddler groups, parenting and health advice, affordable room hire for local clubs and societies, craft and hobby classes, sensory classes and more.

The Forum is holding the first of several consultation events at The Square at New Invention on Saturday in the hope of drawing in more members of the public to commit to helping move the idea forward.

Rupy Pandaal, secretary for the Forum said: "The Forum is therefore very concerned about the detrimental impact the Council decision will have on an already deprived and struggling community by removing a vital resource and reducing footfall which is vital to businesses on the Square. .

“The Library is set to close at the end of June this year and it is important that the Forum has a clear steer on what the community want and will support.

"The rescue plan can only be successful if we pull together as a community and we are hoping for local people to come forward in numbers with their ideas and offers to help develop this proposal to preserve community services on the Square.”