Express & Star

Rwanda plan can be saved, says Sir Bill Cash

The Prime Minister has a 'big crisis' on his hands following the Surpreme Court's rejection of his Rwanda plan, says a veteran West Midland Conservative MP.

Sir Bill Cash on GB News

But Sir Bill Cash said it would be possible to rewrite the legislation on the Government's flagship immigration policy so that the Supreme Court would be unable to block it.

Sir Bill, who represents Stone, said the jury was out on Rishi Sunak's plans to crack down on illegal migration, but ruled out submitting a letter of no confidence in the Prime Minister.

Speaking on GB News, he said: “The jury’s out. I suppose the intentions are in the right direction and there is talk of emergency legislation and that’s all very encouraging but it has to be the right kind of legislation."

Sir Bill said it was important that the legislation was clearly worded to include the words 'notwithstanding the existing legislation'.

“You need legislation that has to be clear, to effectively override provisions in the European Court, the Human Rights Act and the refugee convention," he said.

“So the legislation actually provides something which the courts have to apply. It's not quite overriding the judges – it’s not quite as simple as that.

“If you provide a clear, unambiguous piece of legislation and then it’s taken to the courts, the courts will apply it."

Sir Bill said there was little point in making enemies of judges.

“We’ve got a big crisis on our hands and we’ve got to get this right," he added.

He warned that removing the Prime Minister would put any attempt to control immigration in jeopardy.

“If they had a confidence motion or you were to get rid of Rishi Sunak at this moment in time when he’s coming up with these ideas, I’ve already been talking to government ministers since the debate ended this afternoon and I’m getting a very good response from them.

"They are listening and basically I think we can solve the problem but it has to be clear and unambiguous legislation and it has to provide the judges with the message that Parliament has to prevail.

"And frankly I don’t have the slightest confidence in Sir Keir Starmer and his rabble."