Express & Star

Former E&S worker Muriel making headlines as she celebrates 100th birthday

A woman from Stafford who worked alongside her husband at the Express & Star has celebrated her 100th birthday with family.

Muriel Rees celebrating her 100th birthday. Her and her husband used to work at the Express & Star, which was reflected on the cake. She celebrated her birthday with her grandchildren and great grandchildren: Andrew Stinton, Chloe Mason, Libby Stinton, Abigail Stinton, Mark Stinton, Katie Leonard and Kerri Leonard.

Muriel Rees, from Doxey, turned 100 on Saturday, surrounded by beloved members of her family who all turned up for the occasion.

Muriel, who loves dancing at the Black Watch annual reunions and playing bingo, grew up on a farm in Haughton and attended Tenterbanks School which was demolished in the late 1960s.

She left school at 14 to work at Lotus and has also worked at the driving licence department in Stafford and as a bus conductress.

Her 100th birthday was marked with a special cake made by her son-in-law's wife, Sharon Stinton of Sharon Stinton's Boutique Cakes, which featured an endearing fondant replica of Muriel reading the Express & Star.

Muriel and her husband Philip used to work at the Express & Star, which was reflected on her birthday cake.
Muriel Rees celebrating her 100th birthday.

The cake was a tribute to Muriel's part-time work at the newspaper, where she worked in the office alongside her husband, Philip Rees, who worked there as office manager until his retirement.

Muriel and Philip married in 1944 after Philip was invalided out of the army due to severe war injuries. The happy couple went on to have two children, Jennifer and Heather.

Sadly, Heather died in 1989 and Philip tragically died within 12 months of his youngest daughter's death.

Muriel and her husband, Philip Rees.
Muriel and her husband, Philip Rees.

However, Muriel was determined to rebuild her life and did so with the help of her beloved sisters, Brenda and Hilda, with the trio enjoying shopping trips, days out, and holidays.

Muriel has now outlived her husband, all of her siblings and her two children. However, the family-oriented 100-year-old has four grandchildren, Kate, Mark, Andrew and Kerri, and seven great grandchildren, Chloe, James, Olivia, Chloe, Abigail, Libby and Katie.

In a message to her grandmother, Kerri Leonard, whose mother Heather died when Kerri was only one year old, said: "Nan, when I was little I used to be amazed when we went into Stafford how many people stopped to say 'Hello Mrs Rees'.

"It felt like the whole of Stafford knew you and I felt really proud because I was your granddaughter.

"Growing up I was in real need of a female role model being the only girl in a house full of boys and what an example you set; kind, loving, never raised your voice (I knew to stop what I was doing with just one look!) and devoted.

"I am so thankful for having you as my Nan and couldn't love you anymore if I tried."

Muriel Rees celebrating her 100th birthday. Her and her husband used to work at the Express & Star, which was reflected on the cake. She celebrated her birthday with her grandchildren and great grandchildren: Andrew Stinton, Chloe Mason, Libby Stinton, Abigail Stinton, Mark Stinton, Katie Leonard and Kerri Leonard.

Muriel sadly suffered a stroke and a bleed on the brain just three weeks before Kerri's wedding but made a seemingly miraculous recovery.

Kerri, who is Muriel's youngest grandchild, said: "I haven't had my own mom my whole life so my nan is so so important to me.

"Four days after she was taken to hospital, I had a call from my dad saying 'I think someone wants to speak to you' and it was Nan.

"She went to the wedding three weeks later after a major stroke and told my dad at the end of the night 'I told you I'd do it'."

STAFFORD COPYRIGHT SHROPSHIRE STAR STEVE LEATH 08/04/2023..Pic in Stafford where Muriel Rees is celebrating her 100th birthday. She and members of her family used to work at the Express & Star..

Muriel still lives in her own home with support from family and "excellent help" from Age UK.

Her main carer is her son-in-law, Peter Shinton, who travels from his home in Wales every week to visit her.

The pair have been close since Peter's wife and Muriel's daughter, Heather, died. "He adores her," Kerri said of her dad.

Kerri added: "The family want to take this opportunity to thank age UK the for the excellent care they have shown, particularly Paula Fletcher who we cannot thank enough for all that she does.

"She visits four times a week and is absolutely brilliant. We want to make sure she knows how much the family appreciate her."

Her son-in-law Peter Stinton said: "Muriel has been a second mother to me for over 50 years." Her nephew, David Sutton, said she was "always well turned out" and "kind", fetching hake and chips for the family every Friday night.

Muriel's grandson, Mark Stinton, added: "Our Nan is a grandmother in every sense of the word.

"She’s stoic, unflappable and always there if you need advice. She’s been an omnipresent fixture in our lives - with us for laughter and for tears. My happiest childhood memories are with Nan.

"Every Christmas in Stafford was something to look forward to and Nan always made it special. Congratulations on reaching your 100th! We love you, Nan."

Muriel Rees celebrating her 100th birthday.

Grandson Andrew Stinton said: "Nan is a constant in my life. Nan has always been there, at the best of times and sadly at the worst of times, demonstrating unwavering love and support.

"Growing up I got so much love and shared so many happy memories. I cherish the memories and love you with all my heart.

"Nan epitomises the true values of a family - welcoming, loving, supportive and fiercely loyal."

Katie, Muriel's 10-year-old great granddaughter, said: "Happy 100th birthday grandma, I am so proud of you and love you loads."

Muriel's great granddaughters Abigail and Chloe added: "Leaving Nan's it was never an option to be hungry and she was always still trying to feed us as we left and sending us off with our favourite chocolate.

"We have so many memories talking to Nan about how amazing it would be to see her reach 100 and we feel very grateful to share this special day with her.

"Nan you are an inspiration to us all, we love you."