Express & Star

Stafford man completes gruelling Ironman Triathlon for friend battling disease

A Stafford man has completed a gruelling Ironman triathlon to raise money for his best friend who is battling motor neurone disease.

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Tom Bill with friend Tom Stevenson

Tom Bill completed a 2.4-mile open water swim in Whitchurch, followed by a 112-mile cycle from Whitchurch to Sutton Coldfield and back to Stafford, where he finished with a 26.2-mile run.

Tom during the cycle ride

Tom completed the three stages in nine hours, 14 minutes and 44 seconds, all to raise money for close friend Tom Stevenson, who is in his seventh year of battling motor neurone disease, which occurs when specialist nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord stop working properly.

Tom running during the Ironman

Tom was welcomed to the finish line with family, friends and work colleagues cheering and clapping for his efforts.

He said: "The day was incredible. The swim went amazing, the bike ride I smashed it, the first lap of the marathon I was fine, and then the last six miles of the run was brutal."

Finishing the swim

He added: "Thanks to everyone for the support, thanks to PSR Solutions for supporting me, thanks to the missus who’s been there throughout and thanks to Tom Stevenson for inspiring me."

People can still donate to Tom’s cause which has now exceeded the £10,000 mark, by visiting