Couple raising awareness for son's rare brain condition
A couple have raised hundreds of pounds for charity after their baby was born with a rare brain condition.

Little Bobby Ward, 11 months, was diagnosed with Dandy Walker Syndrome at three months old.
His parents, Matt Ward and Katie Sylvester, from Stafford, have so far raised more than £600 to be split between the Dandy Walker Alliance and Shine, which specialises in advice and support for spina bifida and hydrocephalus.
Matt, 32, said: "Bobby Alexander Ward was born on March 26 2019. After a difficult start to life by being in neonatal intensive care unit at Stoke hospital for the first three weeks of his life things unfortunately worsened for young Bobby.
"In May 2019, we were informed by specialist that Bobby had a rare brain condition called Dandy Walker Syndrome.
"In Bobby's case, this has severely delayed his development, he is deaf in one ear, has a severely low immune system and has recently been issued a specialist wheel chair to support his posture and assist the growth and shape of his spine.
"He is currently under the care of a physio, ear, nose and throat specialist, dietician, audiologist and paediatric neurosurgeon. The future is somewhat of an unknown at present dependant on how the the syndrome develops.
"We have held numerous auctions and fundraising activities so far but want to do so much more.
"We are in the process of organising a fundraising charity ball in which we will be holding a charity raffle / auction."
For more information, or to donate, visit