Express & Star

Stafford could have new Business Improvement District

Businesses in Stafford town centre could be asked to decide if they want to take control of future improvements to the area.


An information evening is being run this month so that the retailers and other businesses can hear more about becoming a ‘Business Improvement District’ (BID).

A BID is a defined area where the rate-paying businesses decide on improvements to their area.

A plan is voted on and a BID board made up of local business leaders, work together to deliver the plan on behalf of the businesses.

The move has been put forward by Stafford Town Centre Partnership with support from Stafford Borough Council.

The town centre partnership has written to around 380 hundred businesses inviting them to find out more at 5.30pm on February 19 at the University of Wolverhampton, 1 Staffordshire Place, Stafford.

Mary Walker, chair of the Stafford Town Centre Partnership said: "This is an important time for our town centre. It is vital that all businesses have a voice in the way our high street and town centre is evolving.

"We are keen to explore the opportunities that a BID could offer to attract more visitors to Stafford and make our town centre a place where people love to live, work and shop. I would encourage as any businesses in the town centre to attend the BID presentation as possible."

Businesses are asked to email to register their interest in attending.